Published on behalf of Stephen Brown, CEO of WA Farmers.
There is no doubt that by now you have all heard or read of the fires still burning in Esperance – the loss of buildings, plant and equipment, livestock and the very sad loss of life.
Whilst there are a number of appeals in place to help those affected, WA Farmers are coordinating ‘an agricultural industry’ Christmas party to be held the week before Xmas, once the fires are out and everyone has started to settle down.
The aim of this event is to give all the people affected an opportunity to have a social afternoon/evening with their families and an afternoon to relax with their families away from the farm and the stress of this week and the next few weeks.
At this early stage it is proposed to hold the event at Scaddan Bowling Club.
We are asking everyone with any involvement in the agricultural industry as a supplier of goods or services to the industry to join with us to fund this event.
We have already had a couple of monetary donations and Harvey Beef have committed to supplying all the meat for the afternoon.
It is our aim to raise sufficient funds to cater for 200 people in addition to being able to pay people from Esperance (Rotary Clubs and others) to do all the cooking and cleaning on the day to ensure those affected can enjoy a truly relaxing afternoon. We also envisage activities for the children.
We have not specified any amount to be contributed and there are details on the attached flyer in relation to other plans.
If you are able to support this venture, please e-mail your Company name and address back to me with a contact person’s e-mail, the amount you are prepared to support this venture with and we will arrange a tax invoice. We will then supply bank details.
WA Farmers will not take any costs of coordinating this event from funds raised and a detailed statement of where the funds were used will be sent at the completion of the event.
Any questions, please feel free to ring (08) 9486 2100 or email [email protected].
This is an opportunity for the agriculture industry as a whole to put some smiles on some faces after what has been and will continue to be a very sorry and stressful time.
Agsafe is pleased to make a $250 donation to this event.