The Forbes and District Lions CLub club have had a busy couple of months at the helm of the drumMUSTER program.Forbes Lions Club Peter Bright estimates they have processed between 2000 and 3000 drums a month recently.
The drumMUSTER program collects and recycles eligible, pre-cleaned agricultural and veterinary chemical containers.The collection site is open from 9am to noon on the second and last Friday of the month at the Twin City Recyclers site in Sam Street.Bookings are essential and land owners who wish to drop off drums should call the Forbes Services Club on 6852 1488 to book a delivery time on the collection days.
For general enquiries please call Peter Bright 0419 463 803. For other information check out the Drum Muster Website:
Mr Bright said it is important that drums delivered to the collection site are rinsed and clear of any chemical residue before delivery to the site as it is not only important for the health and safety of their volunteers but is economically important for the farmers.Since taking on the project in 2012 the Forbes Lions Club have collected almost 40,000 drums.The plastic drum containers are either shredded, granulated or heat-extruded back to a resin suitable for plastics component production.
These extruded materials are manufactured into a new range of products that you see in the community every day.Some of the products drumMUSTER recycled materials go into producing include:
• Wheelie bins
• Fence posts
• Irrigation pipes
• Underground cable cover
• Bollards
The metal containers are recycled through the normal metal recycling process.
There are drumMUSTER collection points across Forbes and Parkes Shires which are overseen by volunteers.Collection points include can be found in Parkes, Trundle, Peak Hill, Warroo, Garema, Tullamore and Eugowra.
To find a drumMUSTER site near you visit: