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Agsafe committed to helping farmers clean-up after natural disaster

Published: 25-03-2021

With the recent floods across New South Wales and Queensland, many farmers that store agvet chemicals will have been impacted. During flooding chemical containers can be damaged and become unidentifiable. CropLife Australia’s agricultural stewardship subsidiary, Agsafe, provides a service to safely collect and dispose of these chemicals through the ChemClear program.

Agsafe General Manager, Dominique Doyle, said, “ChemClear enables the removal of obsolete chemicals off farms and out of rural communities and allows farmers to dispose of these unwanted products safely and sustainably; this is particularly pertinent during events such as floods and bushfires.”

Agsafe’s ChemClear program is ready to work with the State Governments to help farmers remove unidentified agvet chemicals from their properties following the floods.

Agsafe has a proven track record of assisting farmers with this crucial service. After the floods that followed Cyclone Yasi in 2011, and with the assistance of the Queensland Government, over 52,000 litres of agvet chemicals were collected from properties in the state.

Ms Doyle continued, “Agsafe is ready and willing to work with the New South Wales and Queensland Governments to ensure farmers have the assistance they need to safely remove their unwanted, obsolete or unidentifiable agvet chemicals as part of any flood recovery program.

“Farmers are well educated on the safe storage of their chemicals, however, even farmers that adhere to absolute best practice in the storage and use of herbicides, insecticides and pesticides will be at risk following the scale of the weather events we have just witnessed.”

For more information on ChemClear, visit


To arrange an interview or for additional media, please contact:
Richard Boyce – Marketing and Communications Officer [email protected]   I   (02) 6206 6888